美国英语作文 篇1
The benefits of immigrating to the United States, whether you believe it or not, is an interesting phenomenon in the United States and naturalization, which is that the number of people applying for citizenship has soared in the era of immigration regulation. Last year was the most intense year for border security and illegal immigration in the United States, and the number of americans applying for citizenship last year was the highest since 1999. A similar situation occurred a decade ago. Dan, a spokesman for the U.S. citizenship and immigration services (USCIS). 'every time there's an immigration debate, there's always a surge in naturalization applications,' says Dan Kane. Some experts believe that rising immigration, naturalization and other service costs in recent years may have pushed immigrants to apply for naturalization prior to the increase. In addition, foreigners will be keen to join us citizenship and, of course, the top ten benefits of naturalization.
Top 10 benefits of joining us citizenship:
1. The citizenship of the United States can be applied to many relatives as permanent residents in the United States according to the immigration law. There is no limit on the number of people and the time for waiting for the green card is much shorter. Along with a unique, that is, if you are a citizen of the United States, you can in your immediate family (including spouse, parents and unmarried minor child (children) in the United States during the visit (s) to apply for immigrants to him, and he (they) don't have to leave the country to do procedure, as long as with immigration give receipt can legally to stay in American waiting for the final approval of immigration, and not of little chance, it's just a matter of waiting for the length of time.
2. Many countries have visa-free access to American citizens. It is more convenient for American citizens to enter customs than those who do not automatically enter the customs.
Most people don't want to commit a crime, but maybe in the wrong time, in the wrong place, we are victims of some kind of situation, but as American citizens, we will not be expelled from the country. American citizens do not have to worry about losing a green card or staying abroad for a long time.
4. Retired U.S. citizens can enjoy all social security benefits, and green card holders can only enjoy half the benefits.
5. U.S. citizens have the right to elect federal, state and local government officials. Some countries, including Ireland, the United Kingdom and Canada, recognize dual citizenship, allowing americans to retain their original nationality and passport. U.S. green card holders are not elected and elected before they enter the country.
6. American citizens can have more public benefits, including additional Security Income (SSI) and food stamps, as well as certain scholarships and financial aid.
American citizens can have more jobs and jobs. Only citizens can be elected to elected municipal, state and federal government posts. Many federal, state and municipal jobs recruit only U.S. citizens.
An adopted or biological child under the age of 18 can automatically become an American citizen. If a child is born outside the United States and is unmarried and under the age of 18, the child may be naturalized when his or her parents are naturalized.
American citizens have more financial and tax incentives, are often easier to get loans and get better lending rates because lenders think they are less likely to run for debt.
When you become an American citizen, you don't have to worry about a green card every 10 years.
美国英语作文 篇2
It is quite common for parents to beat their children,because they think eating is a good way to make children learn and behave well.One of my neighbors made a very strict demand on his son and scolded him bitterly or smacked(稍带特定味道) him whenever he was lazy or disobedient(违抗命令的).To justify(辩解) what he did,he said,” spare the rod and ruin the child.”
Actually beating is a violent way of treating children.It does more harm and causes more hurt than good to children’s physical and psychological health.However,beating children is common occurrence(出现) in our life.Many children become disable because their parents hit them too hard.Some lost their hearing and some became lame(跛脚的).Some children develop an internal(内在的) hatred(憎恨) for their parents and protest(抗议) by running away from home.Others may become so fearful of their parents that they tremble(发抖) at the sight of their angry parents.A mother,for example,even went so far as to beat her son to death because she was not satisfied with his study.Likewise(同样地),it is not unusual that the child murdered(凶杀) his parents because of the extreme contradiction(矛盾) between them.How can children learn and grow healthily under such circumstance(环境)?
Quite often parents will be torn by pangs(剧痛) of regret(懊悔) and remorse(自责) after they have beaten their children.They feel very sad in the rest of their lives.But it is already too late.How can they bring their handicapped(有生理缺陷的) child back to healthy one?How can they relieve(减轻) pains in their children’s heart so easily?We can say beating hurts both children and parents.It is absolutely a bad way to make children learn and behave well.
Exactly speaking,children are also human beings.They have self-respect and should be respected.
美国英语作文 篇3
The understanding of American culture must not end with what we know on TV, because she has the most distinctive features of her own, which is diversity. As a country with a large immigrant population, the United States does not have a unique way of life, there is no only standard of conduct, and there is no unique culture. The diversity of the United States penetration in all aspects of the country, the following guidelines may not be able to help you overcome all from the cultural differences, but hope to everyone to prepare for the basic study in the United States and general plan to help.
Americans have a very different lifestyle than Chinese people. American food is light and easy to make, and the main course is meat, fish and chicken. A meal usually consists of only one main course, and salads and coffee are by no means less. Hot dogs and hamburgers are two of the most popular fast foods.
Americans are so active that more than a fifth of them move every year. The most detailed list of houses and apartments available on Sunday in newspapers across the country can be used to find homes or to find local estate agents. In addition to paying for rent, the rent house generally pays for utilities, namely gas, electricity, heating, hot water and simple electrical repairs and other repairs. The rent is usually a month, usually on the first day of the month. Electricity in most parts of the United States is 110-120 volts, 60Hz.
Almost every home in the United States has a car, and the American highway is very developed and accessible, so many americans work very far from where they live. They often go on a family trip during the holidays. The most popular means of transportation in the city are buses and subways. The subway is usually run day and night. Taxis are usually paid by distance or by distance. The whole country executes the right driving, the big city executes traffic regulation especially strict.
美国英语作文 篇4
Recently, the movie American Captain is very hot, the third episode has been brought into the screen.
Since I see the first episode, this great hero catches my attention all the time.
he is so handsome and brave, what’s more, he fights for the justice, which makes him a charming person.
I will support this movie, American Captain is my hero.
美国英语作文 篇5
What Is American Dream?
What is the American Dream? Is it the same for all Americans? Is it a myth? Is it simply a search for a better life? How has the American Dream changed over time? Some see their dreams wither and die while others see their dreams fulfilled. Why? Everyone has dreams abut a personally fulfilled life... and what is your dream?
The term American Dream was first used by James Adams in his book The Epic of America which was written in 1931. He states: The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown tired and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to get to the fullest stature of which they are capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position."
In the united States' Declaration of Independence, our founding fathers state: "... all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." Might this view be considered the foundation of the American Dream?
Were homesteaders who left the big cities of the east to find happiness and their piece of land in the unknown wilderness of the west pursuing these Rights? Were the immigrants who came to the United States looking for their bit of life, liberty, happiness and their Dream? And what did the desire of the veteran of World War II—to settle down, to have a home, a car and a family—tell us about this Dream? Is the American Dream attainable by all Americans? Would Martin Luther King feel his Dream was attained? Did Malcolm X realize his Dream?
美国英语作文 篇6
ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to our school. we are glad to have such a group of experienced teachers visiting us. we are sure the exchange of views among us will promote① the friendly relationship between china and america. i hope you will enjoy your stay in china, make new friends and take away memories of pleasant, productive ② days.
after your visit,we sincerely hope you will give us your valuable suggestions.
美国英语作文 篇7
(American Students in Countryside )
eleven students from world college, west of the united states, kissed their newly-made chinese fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters “zaijian”(goodbye), tears in eyes, when leaving jiangwan township, in shanghai suburbs. these students, who are studying on a program of international relations, are believed to be the first hatch① of foreign students to live with chinese village families.
the students stayed in the village for two months. at daytime, they were given chinese language and history courses in the village classroom and took part in agricultural practice in the fields. they spent the rest of their time with the peasants, carrying water from wells, making a fire for cooking, even feeding babies.mr. carlos liked to take little children for a ride in bicycle whereas mr. david often played cards with his young chinese friends. miss tracy, a pretty l9-year-old girl, concentrated her enthusiasm on giving english lessons to pupils at jiangwan primary school. mr. richard with his video camera② finished a tv documentary③ about chinese village life.“we like the life here. its so quiet, so plain, yet so interesting,”said miss sandra, one of the students.
lunch time was the most enjoyable for both guest and host. they talked about everything that interested them. the villagers regarded these students as their own sons, daughters, brothers, or sisters.“this new form is also beneficial④ to ourselves,”said u hongming, deputy director ⑤ of jiangwan township. “we are looking forward to welcoming more foreign students to come here.”
indeed, the students not only learned chinese, but also knew more deeply about china within the two months. “weve learned a lot which we couldnt just at chinese colleges,” said miss nona from canada. when asked about the purpose of going to china and staying with chinese villagers, tracy showed her several articles published in an american newspaper:“living, studying and learning to accept and work within another entirely different culture is an important aspect⑥ of every society. communication, understanding, and above all, love are imperative⑦ for world peace.”
①hatch [h$tm] n. (小鸡等)一窝;(喻)一群,一组(年轻人)
②video camera [vidi u k$m r ] n. 电视摄像机
③documentary[?d&kjument ri] n. 纪录影片
④beneficial [benifim l] a. 有利的;有益的
⑤deputy director[depjuti direkt ] 副乡(镇)长
⑥aspect[$spekt] n. (问题、事物的)方面
⑦ imperative [imper tiv] a. 绝对必要的
美国英语作文 篇8
那是在美国Lakeside School所上的第一堂课,它无疑是一堂地道的英语课,但同时也是一堂奇特的英语课。
挂钟上的“鸟”叫了,这大概是他们的铃声。学生们停止了闲聊,收起了闲书,加快了进餐速度,好像等待着老师的到来。我把注意力集中到了教室的正门,设想着一个白发碧眼的老年妇女或是一个卷发高个的中年男子走进门来。"Class begins.”声音是从我的身旁传来的。一个年轻的姑娘站立起来,围着圆桌走了一圈儿。学生们都将注意力集中在了她的身上。“难道这个漂亮的年轻姑娘竟是他们的老师?”我想。事实确是如此,她“叽哩呱啦”地讲着话,一双天蓝的眼睛在两条活泼跳动的眉毛的衬托下,显得格外有神。我不太明白她说些什么,但不难看出她正是该英语班的老师。上身穿着一件白色T恤,下身是西部美国人最传统的牛仔裤,一副学生打扮,好不精神。她手中没有拿书,也没有拿笔,取而代之的是一杯咖啡。同学们似乎也没什么教材,当然不会看书,都抬头望着眉飞色舞的老师,听着她所说的,高兴了还插上几句,或者一阵大笑。可能是因为语言障碍吧,我不太懂他们笑些什么,大概他们在谈论一本书,好像这本书是老师昨晚刚看过的,也不知道学生们到底看过这本书没有,一个个都显得特别积极,似乎每人都是评论家一般,争先恐后地发表着自己对该书的看法。学生讨论的时候是无需举手的,你大可以随时随地地发言。只有当老师在做小结的时候,要发言的同学才必须先举手。出乎意料,学生间的讨论竟是这般的热烈。一人话音朱落,另一个又将
美国英语作文 篇9
Higher Education in America
There is evidence that even incomplete university study gives a person better career prospects than none at all. So, it is accepted that the benefits of a university career are useful.
All this effort in America’s higher education is very expensive. Some of the costs come from fees and benefactions, particularly towards research, but most have to be paid from public funds. Parents favor big expenditures on higher education; a wider public opinion favors them for idealistic and cultural reasons, and because of the supposed value of education as an investment by society.
The first universities were developed by private charitable organizations. The private universities are still very important, and most of the best-known institutions, like Harvard, Yale and Princeton, are private.
Most of the principal state universities have between 10, 000 and 30, 000 students, and some have increased rapidly in the past few years. Private universities and colleges are generally smaller, and although they are more numerous than public institutions they have a smaller total number of students than those in public institutions. The private colleges vary very much in standards and reputation, from the world-famous and select to the cranky and the obscure①. The best known of all is Harvard.
There are also many junior colleges to which students may be admitted at the end of their high school career, providing only the first two years of university work.
For the most part Americans think that there’s some advantage in attending one of the better-known private institutions, in spite of the higher cost, rather than a state university. However, testate universities are becoming increasingly important, and some of them, particularly in the Midwest have a reputation practically equal to that of the private ones. Almost every state by now has several university institutions directly under the authority of the state government.
美国英语作文 篇10
the average family income of the u.s.a. has increased from 20,000 dollars per year in 1992 to 25,000 in 20xx. along with this considerable increase in people’s income, the way in which the average family spends its income has also varied to some extent. the average expenditure of family income is divided into several sectors, namely, housing, clothing, food and drink, transport, medical care, entertainment, savings and other items.
from the table, it is quite interesting to find that the money spent on some sectors such as food and drink (2%) and entertainment (6%) in 1992 and 20xx remains the same. for transport, the percentage of 20xx is only 1% larger than that of 1992. it is also worth mentioning that in 20xx, people tend to save less money than in 1992 because people deposit only half the money they used to in 1990. there is a greater increase in the expenses on housing and medical care, increasing by 8% and 6% respectively. on the other hand, people tend to spend less money on clothes, for there is a 5% decrease in 20xx compared with that in 1992. as far as other items are concerned, there is a sharp decrease in the percentage of family income spent on them, accounting for only 7% of the total.
it can be seen from the statistics that in american people’s life food and drink, entertainment and transport had always been important. with family income increasing, american people began to give first priority to housing and medical care, thereby improving their living conditions and invigorating health. by saving less, they presented to us the implication that they expected a fairly secure prospect.