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The moon,the lantern light with your laughter,the fifteenth day of the echoed with your tunes,New Year New Year filled with your busy,at this time my thoughts with you。
2 、月因十五而圆,夜因明月而黑,日子因你而乐,生命因你而在,爱情因你而美,朋友因情意而久远,节日因祝福而快乐。
Month circle by 15,black because of the bright moon night,day because of you,because of you in life,love is beautiful,because of you friends because of affection,holiday for blessing and happiness。
Lantern Festival will come,the state council sent five ban:ban pretend busy ignore me rich forget I forbid the difficult don't help me to ban eating don't call me don't want to when I require substantial work!
4 、汤圆吃饱了吧,花灯看爽了吧,热闹完了吧,人逛累了吧,节过完了吧,坐不住了吧,开始无聊了吧,没事,这不,我的祝福来了吧:祝节后工作顺利天天开心。
Dumplings stuffed,lanterns look cool,noisy over,people tired,finished section,sit still,get bored,that's ok,it's not,my blessing:I wish after the work is smooth happy every day。
5 、人一年,物一年,情一年,宜一年,友一年,累一年,忙一年,笑一年,苦一年,甜一年,福一年,运一年,滚滚元宵又一年,祝元宵节快乐!
People a year,a year,a year,appropriate for a year,friends for a year,a year,busy year,laugh for a year,a year,sweet for a year,a year,a year,rolling yuanxiao another year,I wish a happy Lantern Festival!
6 、一个人能走多远,看他与谁同行;一个人有多成功,看他有谁指点;一个人有多优秀,看他身边的朋友。让我们好好珍惜这份友谊,相信有你,我会更好!
A person can walk far,see him with whom counterparts;There was a man who had much success,see him who give directions;How good a person,to see his friends。 Let's cherish this friendship,believe in you,I will be better!
7 、正月十五闹新春,合家团圆享温存,快乐佳肴锅中炖,幸福元宵大口吞。愿你佳节享如意,财运福运满乾坤,爱情甜蜜友情稳,红火吉祥迎进门!
The fifteenth day of the lunar New Year,enjoy tenderness for family reunion,happy meal the pot stew,yuanxiao into happiness。 Wish you enjoy the holiday wishes,fortune filled with good fortune,love sweet friendship,booming JiXiangYing door!
8 、这条短信是,采日月之精华,集天地之灵气汇成,收到的人会:生活甜蜜!工作顺利!幸福安康!我悄悄的告诉你,如果转发给别人就会发大财哦!祝元宵快乐!
This message is that the essence of the sun,set heaven and earth reiki fed,will receive:life sweet!The work is smooth!Happy life!I quietly tell you,if forwarded to others will make a fortune!I wish a happy Lantern Festival!
The Lantern Festival,send dumplings,a variety of stuffing liberally to choose:one worry about filling,good luck for filling,satisfied for filling love sweet,happiness for filling life beautiful。 A send you all friends,I wish you a happy yuanxiao is infinite!
1 0 、山脉能阻隔天高地远,却阻隔不住深深思念;经纬可以拉开距离,却挡不住真挚的情感;岁月可以流逝华年,朋友再远也会亲密无间。元宵节来临送去我的祝福片片!
The highlands far mountains can cut off day,but can not block deeply miss;Fabric can distance,but to resist the sincere emotion;Time can elapse time,again far also can close friends。 The Lantern Festival comes send my blessings every piece!
1 1、元宵月亮圆又圆,像个圆盘挂屋檐;地上的炮竹圆又圆,来年幸福早来念;娃娃的脸蛋乐得圆,盼早长大建家园;爷爷奶奶眼镜圆,健健康康过大年!
Yuanxiao round and round the moon,like a disc hanging roof;Fireworks on the ground round and round,happy early next year to read;A doll face happy circle,looking forward to grow up early built their homes;Grandma and grandpa round glasses,healthy holidays!
1 2、圆圆的太阳,圆圆的月,圆圆的汤圆比蜜甜;圆圆的祝福,圆圆的愿,圆圆的汤圆庆团圆,元宵佳节合家欢,短信祝福表心愿,愿你元宵节快乐,心想事成园、圆、缘。
Round the sun,round,round dumplings made sweeter than honey;Blessing of round,round,round dumplings anniversary reunion,the Lantern Festival family,SMS blessing table wish,I wish you a happy Lantern Festival and horse "garden,circular,margin"。
1 3、又是一年元宵节,家家户户看花灯。花灯五彩又缤纷,送来祝福到家门。龙头高昂风雨顺,狮舞带来喜盈门。开开心心元宵过,幸福生活上一层。祝元宵快乐!
Another year Lantern Festival,every family watching lanterns。 Lanterns colorful profusion again,send blessings to the door。 Leading high wind and rain,lion dances with joy was packed。 Happy yuanxiao,a layer of a happy life。 I wish a happy Lantern Festival!
1 4、正月十五赏花灯,祝你心情亮如灯;正月十五吃汤圆,祝你阖家喜团圆;正月十五元宵香,祝你身体更健康;正月十五喜连连,祝你万事皆吉祥。
The fifteenth day of the first to admire the lanterns,wish your mood bright like a lamp;The fifteenth day of the first to eat dumplings,I wish you a happy family reunion。 The fifteenth day of the lantern,I wish you a better health;The fifteenth day of the joy,wish you everything is lucky。
1 5、天上圆月寄团圆,地上佳节喜气添,又逢一年元宵节,烟花彩灯不夜天,温馨祝福送心间,健康吉祥永相伴,凡事梦想都实现,年年发财赚大钱!元宵节快乐!
Full moon send together on the sky,the ground festival happy tian,another year on the Lantern Festival,firework lights port view,warm wishes to send heart,health,good luck is always,always dream had come true,the rich make a lot of money every year。 Happy Lantern Festival!
1 6、金猪送福送吉祥,奥运福娃来帮忙:贝贝送你谷满仓,晶晶送你亲满堂,欢欢送你事如意,迎迎送你身安康,妮妮送你福寿长。祝你元宵节快乐,好运无限!
Golden pig send blessing to send auspicious,:with the help of Olympic fuwa beibei send you valley manchang,jingjing send you close down the house,huan farewell you do the best,to meet the guideline you body health,nini send you live long。 I wish you a happy Lantern Festival,good luck is infinite!
中英对照作文之My Father10-18