
时间:2022-05-12 09:55:18 英语作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  in China , tea has a very long history and has formed the Chinese tea culture. At the same time, tea is beneficial to our health, thus it is well received by many people. Chinese tea culture is both extensive and profound, which not only contains the level of material culture, but also includes a deep level of spiritual civilization. Referring to Chinese tea, we can trace it back to ancient times, which flourished in the Tang and Song Dynasties, Since then, the spirit of tea has penetrated into the court and society, going deep into Chinese poetry, painting, calligraphy , religion and medicine. For thousands of years, China has accumulated a great deal of culture in tea cultivation and production, moreover, enriching the spiritual culture of tea.

  在中国,茶具有非常悠久的历史,并且已经形成了中国茶文化。与此同时,茶有益于我们的健康,因此受到许多人的喜爱。中国茶文化博大精深,不但包含物 质文化层面,还包含深厚的精神文明层面。谈到中国的茶叶。可以追溯到远古时代,它是从唐代与宋代兴盛起来的。从此茶的精神渗透到了宫廷和社会,深入到中国的诗词、绘画、书法、宗教和医学。几千年来,中国积累了大量关于茶叶种植、生产的物质文化,而且丰富了有关茶的精神文化。

英文作文 篇2

  中国菜举世闻名,而菜名更是诙谐有趣,妙趣横生,充满中国人的'智慧。很多菜名用字典雅瑰丽,充满吉祥喜庆之气,诸如把豆苗(bean seedling)比作“龙须”,鸡蛋美名“芙蓉(Confederate rose)”或“凤凰”,鸡爪称“凤爪”,豆腐(tofu)叫成“白玉”,等。不少菜名豪华气派,美不可言,有种汤叫“珍珠玛瑙(agate)翡翠汤”,只是豆腐、番茄加青菜。一些含有祝贺或象征吉祥的菜名,如竹笋炒排骨是 “步步高升”。有些菜名采用的是成语,萝卜丝上放根红辣椒表示“踏雪寻梅”。参考译文:Chinese dishes are world-famous,and the dish names are humorous, interesting and full of wits,fully embodying the wisdom of Chinese people.Many dishes are named with elegant and magnificent characters and are full of auspicious and festive atmosphere.For example,the bean seedling is called “dragon beard”,egg is called “Confederate rose” or “phoenix”,chicken claw is called “phoenix talon”,tofu is called“white jade” and so on.Many dish names are in luxurious style and their beauty is beyond words.For example,there is a soup called “soup of pearl,agate and jade”,but its ingredients are only tofu, tomatoes and vegetables.Some dish names express congratulation or symbolize auspiciousness,such as pork ribs fried with bamboo shoots is called “higher and higher' Some dish names are idioms,such as turnip strips with a red pepper is called “looking for plum flowers while treading on the snow”.

英文作文 篇3














英文作文 篇4

  Although it could not compete with the speed of email today, the 1800‘s nevertheless experienced a revolution in communication that played an important role in creating the tradition of the Christmas greeting card. Helped by the new railway system, the public postal service made corresponding a popular past time. In England, Sir Henry Cole recognized the advantage of a more efficient mail service and initiated the practice of sending Christmas greeting cards to friends.

  The first card was designed by J.C.Horsley as a commercial endeavor. One thousand copies were sold in London, and soon others followed suit. An English artist, William Egley, produced a popular card in 1849. Louis Prang, a German born printer, working from his shop in Roxbury, Massachusetts, printed his first American cards in 1875. Even more important than his printing was the fact that he did more than anyone else to popularize the cards by instituting nationwide contests for the best Christmas designs, which were awarded cash prizes.

英文作文 篇5

  Every country in the world is using the Internet, about 3 billion people. The use of countries all over the world, is an indispensable part of modern human life. All things have both positive and negative sides, the Internet is also the same, and also has its advantages and disadvantages.

  Now things fast, the network is the best helper, it can quickly provide all of our messages, we can through the network know the weather changes, well ahead of things, instead of bad things spread quickly, let Xiao Zhitu mistake as a criminal tool. The Internet is convenient and saves money. It can send e-mails to distant friends and relatives, and gradually develop people's writing ability to slowly degenerate, which makes the society less comfortable.

  If a student needs a lot of information from a research report, you can choose the network to help you finish it. Because he has more abundant information than books for reference, but its accuracy is not local, often have the wrong person to happen. Now we can make friends in order to expand the use of the network interpersonal relationship, but a friend is not careful to destroy life.

  "Online shopping" is a modern fashion, food, clothing, shelter, education and entertainment, has everything, and infinite choice, the same is also very easy to encounter fraud or sale disputes, money loss is small, can disrupt the pace of life is not worth. No surprise! Of course movies, drama, music and so on the function, serious problems make people indulge in the network world caused by the Indoorsman Indoorswoman.

  Internet has become an indispensable technology product for modern humans. Therefore, making good use of Internet knowledge has become a required course for modern humans. We should make good use of it and not let him lead our nose.


  现在人事事求快,网络就是最好的帮手,它能快速地提供我们所有的消息,我们可以透过网络知道天气的变化,做好未雨绸缪的事情,相反的坏事也传得很快,让不 肖之途以讹传讹作为犯罪的工具。互联网便利又省钱,可以寄电子邮件和远方的亲朋好友联络感情,相对的也养成人们书写能力慢慢退化,让这个社会少了一份温馨。













