
时间:2024-12-02 10:47:59 泽彪 优美句子 我要投稿




  梦想的英文句子 1

  1、“Two gates there are for dreams," said Penelope to Odysseus after his ten years’ wandering had ended. "One made for horn and one of for ivory. The dreams that pass through the carved ivory delude and bring us tales that turn to naught;those that can come through polished horn accomplish real things whenever seen."“梦想有两扇门,”在奥德修斯结束了十年的漂泊后,潘尼洛对他说,“一扇是号角制成,一扇是象牙制成。通过精雕细缕的象牙门得梦想不过是一场会归于无的海市蜃楼的童话;而那些通过磨砺的号角门的梦想才会成为真实,为人所见。”

  2、A heart will not be hurt for pursuing a dream, when you truly want something, all the universe conspires to help you complete the.没有一颗心会因为追求梦想而受伤,当你真心想要某样东西时,整个宇宙都会联合起来帮你完成。

  3、A person rich money is not certain, but if the man is not a dream, the poor people.一个人有钱没钱不一定,但如果这个人没有了梦想,这个人穷定了。

  4、As wishes may inspire dreams, so dreams may inspire wishes.正如心愿能够激发梦想,梦想也能够激发心愿。

  5、Conviction is everything in wishing. If you don’t believe in your own power to make your wish come true, your wish will fly away, never to be seen again. But which leads to the most important point of all. If you’re wishing for something possible, then it may be possible for you to do whatever you need to make it come true. The ultimate magic is not wishing, but doing.在许愿时,必须要深信不疑。如果你不相信自己有能力让愿望成真,你的愿望就会飞走,再也看不见。但那正说明了最重要的一点。如果你所希望的是有可能实现得了的,那么你有可能会不惜一切地去实现它。最大的魔力不在于许愿,而在于去做。

  6、Dreams don’t abandon a painstaking pursuit of the people, as long as you never stop pursuing, you will bathe in the brilliance of the dream.梦想不抛弃苦心追求的人,只要不停止追求,你们会沐浴在梦想的光辉之中。

  7、Every life is a boat, the dream is the boat sail.每个人的生命都是一只小船,梦想是小船的风帆。

  8、everything i do is just to weave my wings for my dream now so that it can hover in the real world.我所做的`一切都是为将来的梦想编织翅膀现在这样可以悬停在现实世界。

  9、Everything is now for the future of dream weaving wings, soar to great heights to dream in reality.现在的一切都是为将来的梦想编织翅膀,让梦想在现实中展翅高飞。

  10、Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe. It is not enough that a thing be possible for it to be believed.当还缺乏产生信仰的足够理由时,要用信念去包涵。模棱两可不足以支持一个信仰。(伏尔泰)

  梦想的英文句子 2

  1、 dream is the starting line of our actions, knowledge is our forward accelerator, we insist that it is non-stop pace, wisdom is our key to success.梦想是我们行动的起跑线,知识是我们前进的加速器,坚持是我们不停的步伐,智慧是我们成功的法宝。

  2、 your future depends on your dreams.你的梦想决定着你的未来。

  3、 your dream is not what you find in your sleep but what makes you not sleep.所谓梦想,不是你睡觉时梦到了什么,而是想到了什么令你激动得没法睡觉。

  4、 the wandering footsteps let others crush the dream of a better tomorrow, there is no good things must come to an end. maybe this world is really only hazy is true.让别人徘徊的脚步踩碎你明天美好的梦想,天下没有不散的宴席。也许这人间真的只有朦朦胧胧才是真。

  5、 dream like you’ll live forever,live like you you’ll die today --mahatma gandhi 梦想吧,一如你将永生,生活吧,一如你今天就会死去-甘地

  6、 everyone should take action with a dream and be strong with a reason . if the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be a drifter no matter where you are.一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。

  7、 as long as the persistent dream can become a reality. we do not live in a dream?梦想只要能持久,就能成为现实。我们不就是生活在梦想中的吗?

  8、 do not be pushed by your problems; be led by your dreams.别为问题牵着鼻子走;让梦想为你带路吧。

  9、 for the love of life,so everything for the dream to pay is worth it.因为热爱生活,所以一切为了梦想的付出都是值得的?。

  10、 you got a dream, you gotta protect it. if you want something, go get it.——如果你有梦想的话,就要去扞卫它;如果你有理想的话,就要去努力实现。

  11、 no dream is too big, and no dreamer is too small. 梦想再大也不嫌大,追梦的人再小也不嫌小。

  12、 as long as we dare to dream and dont get in the way of ourselves, anything is possible--theres truly no end to where our dreams can take us.——只要我们敢梦想,并不被自己所阻,一切都有可能——梦想无止境。

  13、 everyone should take action with a dream and be strong with a reason . 一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。

  14、 once you have a dream,just go for it,never give it up easily;your dream might not come true in one day or two,but it will someday.一旦你有梦想,就要去争取,永远都不要轻易放弃,你的梦想可能不会在一两天实现,但某一天一定会.坚持到最后的就是真正的赢家.

  15、 many peoplestart a career with a dream, then get busy forgetting it.很多人一开始为了梦想而忙,后来忙得忘了梦想。

  16、 dont let your dreams just be dreams. 别让你的梦想只是梦想。

  17、 some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it。有些人还在继续梦想成功时,另一些人却已经醒来努力为之奋斗了。

  18、 the dream was always running ahead of me. to catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle.梦想总是跑在我前面,追寻它们,乃至仅有一瞬间的`与梦想合而为一,也都是动人的生命奇迹。

  19、 don’t be pushed by your problems. be led by your dreams. live the life you want to live. be the person you want to remember years from now——推动你向前的,不是困难,而是梦想。过一种你想要的生活,做一个许多年后值得回忆的人。

  20、 a goal is a dream with a deadline.目标是有期限的梦想。

  21、 you are my dream that beyond my reach .but i never ever give up the dream.你是我触及不到的梦想。而我,从来不放弃梦想。

  22、 try not to dream your life, but live your dream. 别只梦想未来的生活,试着去活出你的梦想。

  23、 never let the reality get in the way of your dreams. 别让现实挡住了梦想的去路。

  24、 don`t give up when you are able to fly, dream and love.——当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞。当你能梦的时候就不要放弃梦。当你能爱的时候就不要放弃爱。

  25、 a man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 当遗憾取代了梦想,我们就开始苍老。

  26、 in pursuit of the dream in the sky, even if broken wings, the heart also want to learn to fly.在人生追寻梦想的天空里,即使翅膀断了,心也要学会飞翔。

  27、 a dream you dream alone is only a dream. a dream you dream together is reality. 独自一个人的梦,不过是梦想。拥有一起做梦的人,梦想才会成为现实。

  28、 this moment will nap, you will have a dream; but this moment study, you will interpret a dream. ——此刻打盹,你将做梦;而此刻学习,你将圆梦。

  29、 "the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."未来属于那些相信自己美丽梦想的人。

  30、 dream is worth every child yould sad thoughts. 梦想是值得每个孩子每时每刻忧伤的念头。

  31、 face the past with the least lamentation, face present with the least waste and with the most dream to face future.用最少的悔恨面对过去,用最少的浪费面对现在,用最多的梦想面对未来。

  32、 dream is the starting line of our actions, knowledge is our forward accelerator, we insist that it is non-stop pace, wisdom is our key to success.梦想是我们行动的起跑线,知识是我们前进的加速器,坚持是我们不停的步伐,智慧是我们成功的法宝。

  33、 the dream is one of the treasures of the natural human, it waits for you cherish and practice.梦想是人们与生俱来的重要宝物之一,它等待你的珍视和实践。

  34、 the dream of this thing and the classic, never fade because of the time, but even more precious.梦想这东西和经典一样,永远不会因为时间而褪色,反而更显珍贵。

  35、 happy man with a dream, dream to work on, did not reach, but no grudges. - "i am a special forces"有梦想的人是幸福的,而为了梦想去努力,虽然没有达到,却无怨无。——《我是特种兵》

  36、 human life is, first life becomes a scientific dream, then the dream becomes reality.人的一生就是这样,先把人生变成一个科学的梦,然后再把梦变成现实。

  37、 some people say: the ideal is the ideal, may not be able to achieve. i thought that the ideal will be able to realize a dream can not be realized.有人说:理想是理想,未必能实现。我以为理想必能实现,不能实现的是梦想。

  38、 if the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count. 心中有目标,风雨不折腰。

  39、 dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.做你想做的梦,去你想去的地方,成为你想成为的人吧,因为你只有一次生命,一个机会去做所有那些你想做的事。

  40、 to accomplish great things, we need to not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.为成就大事,我们需要的不只是行动,还要梦想,不只是计划,还要相信。

  41、 face the past with the least regrets, face the present with the least waste and face the future with the most dreams.不后悔过往,不浪费现在,满怀梦想,面对未来。

  42、 the biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.人生最大的冒险就是过你梦想的生活。

  43、 you got a dream, you gotta protect it. people cant do something themselves,they wanna tell you you cant do it.if you want something, go get it. 如果你有梦想,守护它。 当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他们就会说你也同样不能。既然有了目标,你就要努力实现。——《当幸福来敲门》

  44、 never give up your dreams. miracles happen everyday——别放弃梦想,奇迹每天都在上演。

  45、 dream like you’ll live forever,live like you you’ll die today --mahatma gandhi. 梦想吧,一如你将永生,生活吧,一如你今天就会死去--甘地

  梦想的英文句子 3

  1、the dream is the other shore, the reality is that on this side, action is the bridge connecting梦想是彼岸,现实是此岸,行动是那座连接的桥。

  2、who has the material to survive, people have a dream only talk about life you have to understand life and life different animal survival, while others life人有了物质才能生存,人有了梦想才谈得上生活。你要了解生存与生活的不同吗?动物生存,而人则生活。

  3、ideal is the beacon without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life( leo tolstoy, russian writer)理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。(俄国作家托尔斯泰l)

  4、no matter what age, the characteristics of young people always embrace the ideals and illusions this is not anything wrong, but a valuable quality无论哪个时代,青年的特点总是怀抱着各种理想和幻想。这并不是什么毛病,而是一种宝贵的品质。

  5、the ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness, beauty and truth(albert einstein, american scientist)有些理想曾为我们引过道路,并不断给我新的勇气以欣然面对人生,那些理想就是——真善美。 (美国科学家爱因斯坦a)

  6、to get what i want, i will get better没有得到我想要的,我即将得到更好的。

  7、the important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it (johan wolfgang von goethe, german poet and dramatist)人生重要的事情就是确定一个伟大的目标,并决心实现它。(德国诗人戏剧家歌德j m)

  8、the man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds (mark twain, american writer)具有新想法的人在其想法实现之前是个怪人。 (美国作家马克·吐温)

  9、everything is now for the future of dream weaving wings, soar to great heights to dream in reality现在的一切都是为将来的`梦想编织翅膀,让梦想在现实中展翅高飞。

  10、the poor man is not the man without a cent, but the man without a dream穷人并不是指身无分文的人,而是指没有梦想的人。

  梦想的英文句子 4

  1、In my heart was in my eyes I ever let you choose.入我心还是入我眼我从来都是让你选

  2、Retaining a childish heart is a matter of pride.——童心未泯,是一件值得骄傲的事情。

  3、Best friend, a beautiful word!闺蜜,一个唯美的名词!

  4、勿以怨恨对待任何人,应以慈爱加给所有的人!with malice towards none,with charity for all!

  5、Afraid to touch the pain of the wound.害怕接触伤口的疼痛.

  6、I lose, I lose, but I never give up.我输过,我败过,但我从未放弃过

  7、Let the time to speak the truth, though I fear.让时间说真话,虽然我也害怕。

  8、Being on sea, sail; being on land, settle.随遇而安。

  9、He is the greatest love of my life .他是我一生中最心爱的人。

  10、once all, lost became a joke。曾经的一切,失去了就成了一个玩笑

  11、Time cures all wounds时间治愈所有创伤

  12、As long as they read, short but fickle .长不过执念,短不过善变。

  13、memories so heavy。回忆那么重

  14、Growth is a song,sing all separation and joy in union .成长是一首歌,唱尽悲欢离合。

  15、God also there will be a tragedy, what iss more, I am an ordinary person!神也会有悲剧更何况我是一个人

  16、I am not happy without you没有你我不快乐

  17、one can help you unless you help yourself.没人会帮助你除非你自己帮自己

  18、to be or not to be ,that is a question.生存还是毁灭,这是个值得考虑的问题。

  19、Every day is beautiful if you choose to see it.如果你愿意去发现,其实每一天都很美!

  20、we accept the love we think we deserve认为值得所以接受这就是爱情

  21、Your dream is not dream你还梦不梦

  22、I love you even if you fall in love with another of her.我喜欢你哪怕你爱上了另一个她

  23、mad laughter follows the drought of tears.透支了眼泪,我们便会没心没肺的笑。

  24、To waste,then forced.用力的浪费,再用力的后悔。

  25、I believe noting is impossible我相信没有什么不可能

  26、ticket what keep your beloved horse没有票子拿什么留住你心爱的`马子

  27、Time is we do not come loose.时光不老我们不散好么

  28、Her tears melted his heart.她的眼泪使他心软了。

  29、And missing you is like fighting a war.想念你像是一场争战。

  30、Good children always happy!善良的孩子要永远快乐!

  31、wish you noticed me.多希望你曾注意过我。

  32、The sea is not blue, I would not be.海不会不蓝,我不会不在。

  33、Beauty is like a rich stone best plain set.美貌就像是宝石,不用装饰更好。

  34、Put aside all facing the misunderstanding to keep cool.抛开所有面对误解保持冷静。

  35、Everyone there is a Part of the living for others their own.每个人都存在着那部分为别人而活的自己。

  梦想的英文句子 5


  Every day is fun when Im looking for my dream, because I know that every hour is part of the realization of the dream.


  Discover your own shining points, tap your potential, and do what you really like.


  Heart can know, love can love, have a chance to get together, have a dream to be able to circle.


  Will only walk on the cement floor, will never leave deep footprints.


  As long as the harvest is sweet, there will be a busy bee among thorns.


  People who are not interested in small things often have an interest in something wrong. The most tired of life, not the most bitter time, but in the beginning, can not see the goal of the time.


  Dream is a desire, want to be a kind of action. Dreams are the crystallization of dreams and thoughts.


  A man is able to achieve his goal as long as he pursues it strongly.


  Let the young beautiful dream with lingering success, one day will appear in front of you.


  Dream is one of the important treasures that people are born with, it is waiting for your value and practice.


  Everyone has a very beautiful and great ideal. Do not easily give up because of a moments understanding and support, no one can Pdict our future, tomorrow is to create by ourselves. Hold fast to our dreams, to fight for it, one day we will be lucky to come to our side.


  Life is not the most important effort, not the struggle, but the choice.


  With a strong desire to achieve the dream of backing, so that the desire to become fanatical, so that it has become the most important thing in your mind.


  Road is out of the foot, history is written by people. Every step of the human action is writing his own history.


  Dream no matter how vague, always lurking in our hearts, our state of mind is never quiet, until the dream become a reality to stop; like the seed in the ground to sprout and grow, reach out of the ground, looking for the sunshine.


  Each persons life is a boat, the dream is the boats sails.


  Do not take evil as a small, do not be good for small and not for. Only virtuous, can take on people.


  The poor is not a penniless man, but the man without a dream.


  We have nothing, the only capital is youth. Dreams make me different, so that I can change the fate of the struggle!


  When making a wish, you have to believe in it. If you dont believe that you have the power to make wishes come true, your wishes will fly away, and you will never see again. But that is the most important point. If what you want is possible, you may want to do it at all costs. The greatest magic is not to make a wish, but to do it.


  Dream no matter how vague, it is always lurking in our hearts, so that our heart will never be quiet, until the dream become a reality.


  My dream, you may feel very tired, I can only choose their own experience.


  First, there is a dream. One of the richest when there is a dream, a dream is the most happy. Second, to adhere to their own dreams. People who have dreams are very many, but those who are able to keep them are very few. The reason why Alibaba can succeed is because we insist on it. In the fierce competition in the Internet environment, we are still, because we insist, not because we are smart. Sometimes silly insist is much better than not insist.


  With their own hands to create life, with the sweat of hard work to achieve the dream of life.


  Person, the way of getting along with people: heavy imperial king, heavy friend who bully others perish.


  Sometimes your dream is to be a kind of happiness, sometimes the dream is also a kind of happiness.


  Everyone has a good dream, only to adhere to, you can achieve the dream.


  How can you expect him to have a dream if he has put himself into power and hatred?


  Brave to meet the adversity, even if the initial dream can not be achieved, it will open the door to another dream.


  The opportunity to progress for people to open, mediocre never patronize.


  Our intuition is correct. The story of life can be more exciting, and we are one of the characters in the story. There is such a sentence: a persons life should be done in the history of human eternal mark.


  The value of a person, should see what he contributes, and should not see what he has achieved.


  Life can go far, to see who counterparts; how great achievements, to see who is pointing.


  Our position is not important, important is the direction we want to go.


  Li ancient events are not only the ability above common people also have a firm and unflinching will.


  Hope, happiness will come to you; dream, opportunities will envelop you.


  Everything now is for the future of dream weaving wings, let the dream fly in reality.


  There is no dream, like the lost tourists in the big forest, confound. Do not dream of people, just like the scattered in the sky dandelion, I do not know where to go.


  Saplings if Patong and refused to trim, you will never grow.


  If you are ready to find your purpose in life, then follow the voice. Go back to the place where you can hear it clearly. For some people, this voice will be in the morning, before the busy day begins. For others, it will appear when listening to music, watching a movie or reading a book. They may also stroll through the woods or shows.

  梦想的英文句子 6

  1、 a goal is a dream with a deadline.


  2、 your future depends on your dreams.


  3、 your dream is not what you find in your sleep but what makes you not sleep.


  4、 the wandering footsteps let others crush the dream of a better tomorrow, there is no good things must come to an end. maybe this world is really only hazy is true.


  5、 dream like you’ll live forever,live like you you’ll die today --mahatma gandhi


  6、 everyone should take action with a dream and be strong with a reason . if the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be a drifter no matter where you are.


  7、 as long as the persistent dream can become a reality. we do not live in a dream?


  8、 do not be pushed by your problems; be led by your dreams.


  9、 for the love of life,so everything for the dream to pay is worth it.


  10、 you got a dream, you gotta protect it. if you want something, go get it.


  11、 no dream is too big, and no dreamer is too small.


  12、 as long as we dare to dream and dont get in the way of ourselves, anything is possible--theres truly no end to where our dreams can take us.


  13、 everyone should take action with a dream and be strong with a reason.


  14、 once you have a dream,just go for it,never give it up easily;your dream might not come true in one day or two,but it will someday.


  15、 many peoplestart a career with a dream, then get busy forgetting it.


  16、 dont let your dreams just be dreams.


  17、 some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it.


  18、 the dream was always running ahead of me. to catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle.


  19、 don’t be pushed by your problems. be led by your dreams. live the life you want to live. be the person you want to remember years from now.


  20、 dream is the starting line of our actions, knowledge is our forward accelerator, we insist that it is non-stop pace, wisdom is our key to success.










