实用文档>五年级上《What do we need》教学设计

五年级上《What do we need》教学设计

时间:2024-07-10 13:36:54

五年级上《What do we need》教学设计

五年级上《What do we need》教学设计

五年级上《What do we need》教学设计




  StepⅠ Warm- up ( 3’)

  1.Free talk

  2.Sing a song 《Do you have any glue?》


  3.Teaching “food”

  T: OK! Boys and girls, let’s have a match. The green one will be the boys. The red one will be the girls. If you have done a good job, you can get there and get some food. Would you like some food? Then write “food’ on the blackboard and read.

  [评] 男女进行比赛,如果表现的好就可以前进一级,到了顶端就可以换一种食物,看那一组得到的食物多为赢。接着教学食物这个单词。教师通过这种方法来激发学习兴趣。并借助图画教学单词“food ”,使学生一目了然,自然而然地引入新课的学习。。

  StepⅡ Revision(1’)

  T: Do you have any paper? S1: No, I don’t.

  T: Do you have any glue? S2: No, I don’t.

  T: Do you have any rice?S3: No, I don’t.

  T: I don’t too. I need some. I’m very hungry. I want to cook. (出示课件)Let’s go to the supermarket and buy some food. OK? Ss: OK!

  T: Let’s go!

  [评] 教师复习上一课所学句型,通过回答问题的方式引出rice这个单词,达到引入新课的目的。这样过渡自然。

  StepⅢ Presentation (8’)

  A.Show out a picture of the supermarket and ask: Where is it? (出示课件)

  Ss: It’s supermarket.

  T: What do we need?

  S1: We need some rice. (出示rice的图片)

  B. Writing the sentence “We need some rice” on the blackboard. Then read after the teacher.

  Ask the students “What do we need?” And write it on the blackboard. Then practice the drills.

  C. Using the same way to learn the other words (meat/salt/vegetables)


  D. Practice in pairs and then check some students.

  [评] 教师能够创设情境来教学单词和句型,做到词不离句。先教重点单词和句型,这样为conversation的学习作铺垫,又把conversation化难为易。呈现图片可以给他们以刺激,问答的形式可以使其保持注意力,并锻炼其语言的准确性。

  E. Chant activity. (师生一起拍手掌) (出示课件)

  [评] 根据小学生的心理和生理特点,创设一段朗朗上口的chant ,既是对新授课句型的意义巩固,激发学生的学习兴趣和欲望,同时也是为了保持学生的学习热情,保护学生对英语的长久兴趣。

  StepⅣ Teaching conversation (10’)

  A.Show out some pictures. (出示Tony, Jenny and Gogo的图片)

  T: Who are they? Ss: They are Tony, Jenny and Gogo.

  T: Where are they going? S1: They are going to an island by hang glide. (出示他们去海岛的图片)

  T: They are very happy. Suddenly they fell down. They are sad. (出示他们掉下来的图片)But look! Gogo is fixing the hang glide. (出示Gogo 在修理滑翔翼的图片)Jenny and Tony are excited. After that, they are very hungry. They want to cook. (出示他们肚子饿的图片)

  B.Show out another picture.

  T: OK! Enjoy the conversation and then tell me “What do they need?” (播放conversation的内容)

  C.Let’s watch the conversation. (Twice) Then answer the questions: What do they need? Do they need any salt?

  Ss: They need some rice, meat, salt and vegetables.

  D.Answer the questions and then do exercise 1. (出示练习课件)

  E.Check the answers. (老师问学生个别回答,然后出示答案)

  Open the books and read the conversation.

  [评] 通过故事导入新课,由于这个故事是根据前面两个单元的内容来编写的,这样导入既复习了前面的知识又为学习新课作了很好的导入,使学生在不知不觉中进入了新课的学习。设计问题,让学生可以在观看Conversation的视频之前先进行预测,带着自己预测的结果再观看视频会更有目的性,并且更有期待。激发学生的学习兴趣,同时也符合任务型教学的要求。跟读是为了对文本有进一步的解读,并且熟悉文中使用的句式。练习的设计,是为了检测学生对文章的掌握程度。

  StepⅤReading (6’)

  A. Show the pictures of Xi Yang yang/Mei Yang yang etc. (出示喜羊羊、美羊羊等羊的图片)

  T: Who are they? Ss: They are Xi Yangyang/ Mei Yangyang/ Lan Yangyang/ Man Yangyang /Fei Yangyang.

  T: They are Jenny, Tony and Gogo’s friends. Tonight they are going to their house to eat dinner. So they want to buy some food. What do they need? Let’s watch.

  [评] 通过学生喜欢的卡通人物来引入故事的阅读,这样能唤起学生的学习动机,激发学习兴趣。

  B.Do some exercise 2. (出示课件)

  C.Check the answers. (出示答案,并作评价。)

  D.Show out an example passage. (出示一篇范文)

  T: This is Ben. He’s my friend. He’s going to have a picnic. What does he have? What does he need? Now listen and look. Then answer my questions.


  StepⅥ Writing (10’)

  T: Now it’s your turn. Write a competition. You can choose one to write. Look at the picture. There is some food. You can use these words. OK! (播放音乐) Then check some competitions.

  [评] 通过写作检查学生掌握知识的程度和运用语言的能力。教师先对学生作品进行展示,并示范怎么样进行评价,为下面的学生互评做铺垫。

  T: OK! Now you check each other four students in a group. If your Patna is good, you can give a happy face. Ok? Then check some students.

  [评] 学生通过互评、自评,这个环节的训练,不仅可以提高其思维能力,并且可以培养他们的合作意识。通过评价,检查学生的学习情况和教师的教学效果,提高课堂教学效率,促进学生和教师的共同进步。

  StepⅦ Extension (1’)

  T: OK! Today we have learned some food. If you are hungry, you need something to eat. If you are thirsty, you need something to drink. Look at these people. What do they need? (出示课件)

  [评] 通过图片的展示,对学生进行思想教育。教育学生要有一颗善良的心,伸出双手,帮助需要帮助的人。培养学生乐于助人的高尚品德。

  StepⅧ Homework (1’)

  T:Tomorrow is Tony’s birthday. Let’s have a party with Gogo, Tony and Jenny. Talk about “what do we have?” and “What do we need ?” Then write down.

  [评] 本课时所学习的重点在conversation的部分,布置这样的作业目的在于让学生利用所学知识进行延伸。真正达到学习知识就是为了运用的目的。

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